Last updated: March 11, 2024

  Isn’t PragVer just SemVer with one more digit?

For the most part, yes. PragVer is conceived as a superset and tries to stay compatible with the spirit of SemVer. On the other hand, the specification tries to be a bit more abstract so that it can be used for other types of artifacts, apart from software APIs.

  Is SemVer fundamentally flawed?

Not at all. SemVer is a wonderful versioning schema and you may totally use it if you don’t feel the need to have an additional semantic level for your specific artifact from the beginning. You can decide to adhere to PragVer at a later point of time, if you think it would be more useful.

  Doesn’t SemVer discourage rapid development and fast iteration?

Not exactly. SemVer foresees an initial development phase where “anything may change at any time”. Major version zero (0.y.z) is reserved for this purpose. There are some problem with this approach though:

  1. Your artifact must be considered unstable during this phase of rapid development.
  2. You are not supposed to go back to that phase once you reach 1.0.0.
  3. Versions 0.y.z are not really semantic because they are considered a special case in which you don’t need to follow the specification.

PragVer doesn’t promote the idea that incompatible changes should be introduced lightly, but it won’t get in the way of the evolution of your artifact either, even if your releases need to be frequently backwards-incompatible.

  How do I know if my releases have reached enough maturity or stability?

You should probably already be at version if:

  • Your artifact is being used in production.
  • You have a stable API on which users have come to depend.
  • You’re worrying a lot about backwards-compatibility.

  What do I do if I accidentally publish a minor release that contains backwards-incompatible changes?

As soon as you realize that you’ve broken the specification, fix the problem and publish a new minor release that corrects the problem and restores backwards compatibility. Even under this circumstance, it is unacceptable to modify the released contents. If it’s appropriate, document the offending release (for example, mark it as deprecated) and inform your users of the problem so that they are aware of the offending version identifier.

  What should I do if I update the dependencies without adding any external changes to the artifact itself?

That would be considered backwards-compatible, since it does not affect the consumers of the artifact. Determining whether the changes are corrections (or any other type of alterations) depends on whether you updated the dependencies in order to fix incorrect features or to introduce new functionality. Usually additional changes are required for the latter instance, in which case it’s obviously a minor release.

  What if I inadvertently alter the artifact in a way that is not compliant with the version number change?

For example, a patch release incorrectly contains major breaking changes.

Use your best judgment. If you have a huge audience that will be drastically impacted by changing the behavior back to what the artifact intended, then it may be best to publish a major release, even though the fix could strictly be considered a patch release.

  How should I handle deprecating functionality?

Deprecating existing functionality is a normal part of the evolution of an artifact. When you deprecate part of the existing features, you should:

  1. Update your documentation to let users know about the change.
  2. Publish at least one new minor release with the deprecation in place, so that users can smoothly transition.
  3. Publish a new major release that removes completely the deprecated functionality.

  Do PragVer or SemVer have a size limit on the version string?

No, but use good judgment. A 255 character version string is probably overkill, for example. Also, specific systems may impose their own limits on the size of the string.